Advice gail kastning Advice gail kastning

Holiday Season Slowdown

In December, projects may wind down, emails slow to a trickle, and clients may quietly disappear as they head off for their own celebrations or take a year end vacation. For traditional workers, this can be a welcomed slowdown. However, for an independent workers who are not on salary, this lull can impact your budget.

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Advice gail kastning Advice gail kastning

The Top 9 Workforce Terms You Need to Know

In order to effectively navigate your career, being well versed in terminology is necessary as you plan your next moves or search for new opportunities. To help you get started, here are the top 7 terms you need to know and why.

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Advice gail kastning Advice gail kastning

Climbing Trees Instead of Ladders

For years, we were taught to climb the ladder, but in all honesty it never fit for how I organized my work life. Working my way up wrung by wrung just didn't work for how I choose to work and it wasn't until a few years ago that I came up with the idea of a tree. 

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Advice gail kastning Advice gail kastning

No Job Title? Seriously.

As a career practitioner and portfolio careerist, although I see the benefit and structure job titles create in the work world, they also can have a negative impact on our sense of self-worth, skewing our decision making in the work search process. 

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Independent Work gail kastning Independent Work gail kastning

Why Contracting is a Great Idea

Over the years, I’ve been given the opportunity to help more organizations and add value to their business by coming in on contract. It has been a great strategy during transition periods, and it has created better flexibility and balance in my work life.

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