Holiday Season Slowdown
In December, projects may wind down, emails slow to a trickle, and clients may quietly disappear as they head off for their own celebrations or take a year end vacation. For traditional workers, this can be a welcomed slowdown. However, for an independent workers who are not on salary, this lull can impact your budget.
Make the Season Bright: How Independent Workers Can Beat Holiday Loneliness
Twinkling lights and festive gatherings begin. But, for independent workers—freelancers, contractors, and consultants—this time of year can feel a bit lonely.
The Top 9 Workforce Terms You Need to Know
In order to effectively navigate your career, being well versed in terminology is necessary as you plan your next moves or search for new opportunities. To help you get started, here are the top 7 terms you need to know and why.
How to Personally Brand When You Have Multiple Income Streams
When you're a professional engineer by day, a professional guitarist on the weekend and a landlord, should you have more than one resume, more than one business card and what should you call yourself?
Do You Need Virtual Work Makeover? Here’s How to Make It Awesome
Remote work is growing. Virtual meetings are a reality. Virtual interviews are common. As a career coach, I have been working virtually for several years and training my clients for virtual interviews and remote work.