How the Messy Road to Entrepreneurship is Often Paved with a Portfolio Career
The road to entrepreneurship is often not a clear and linear ascent to success. Instead, it’s often paved with a messy income streaming, portfolio career.
The Realities of Becoming a Freelancer
Freelancing involves working independently for multiple people and/or companies on a contract basis. In other words, a freelancer is a self-employed individual who offers various services to their clients.
Do You Need Virtual Work Makeover? Here’s How to Make It Awesome
Remote work is growing. Virtual meetings are a reality. Virtual interviews are common. As a career coach, I have been working virtually for several years and training my clients for virtual interviews and remote work.
How to Love Your Job and Keep Your Dreams Alive
Redouane’s love for his work permeates the small Moroccan restaurant in Byward Market in Ottawa’s city center. I stumbled across Casablanca by accident as I was on my way to a breakfast diner. I veered off course to shop for sourvenirs and was further led astray by the promising smells of something delicious. I’m glad I followed my nose.
The Challenges of Working Multiple Part-time Jobs
Working multiple salaried part-time jobs has countless benefits as I mentioned in my previous blog post. But, there are also challenges with this style of work and, if we're not purposeful and strategic, working this way could do us more harm than good.
The Benefits of Working Multiple Part-time Jobs
Savvy portfolio careerists know that working for multiple companies part-time gives them more opportunity to share their skills, double the potential for promotion, a larger network and double the potential to learn and be mentored.
How to Always Have Your Toes in the Sand and Still Make a Living
Over the years, Al and Denise learned how to change gears and adapt their work life in order to do what they love and live where they want. They have designed a portfolio career in Mexico and Canada that is enviable in how they have been able to piece together work from two different counties in such a seamless way.
How to Juggle Multiple Income Streams with a Portfolio Career
Adaptability is the name of the game with portfolio careerists. They derive their stability from their ability to adapt to change. Although Crystal has a foundation for her portfolio career, she has learned to change things up and move forward quickly.