Embracing a Portfolio Career: A Path to Future-Proofing Your Work Life
In Canada’s changing job market, the concept of a portfolio career is gaining momentum. Unlike a traditional career, where individuals typically climb the ladder, a portfolio career involves juggling multiple roles, projects, or part-time jobs simultaneously.
Dr. Barb's 3 Awesome Reasons to Create a Portfolio Career
Dr. Barb streams income, because as she candidly puts it, "I would like to pay my bills." However, when probed further, she admits she does have a more comprehensive plan for her multiple incomes.
How to Build a Freelance Photography Career You Love
Reaching goals doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, perseverance and the ability to plan. With these traits in hand, within only four months of arrival, Josainis enrolled in Red Deer College to study web and graphic design.
Climbing Trees Instead of Ladders
For years, we were taught to climb the ladder, but in all honesty it never fit for how I organized my work life. Working my way up wrung by wrung just didn't work for how I choose to work and it wasn't until a few years ago that I came up with the idea of a tree.
How to Personally Brand When You Have Multiple Income Streams
When you're a professional engineer by day, a professional guitarist on the weekend and a landlord, should you have more than one resume, more than one business card and what should you call yourself?
How the Messy Road to Entrepreneurship is Often Paved with a Portfolio Career
The road to entrepreneurship is often not a clear and linear ascent to success. Instead, it’s often paved with a messy income streaming, portfolio career.