The Unpacking Collection

Unpacking Non-traditional Work

Explore the world of non-traditional work and the career benefits that are offered through flexible part-time, casual, on-call, seasonal or independent work. This webinar will focus on non-traditional opportunities and the value add to your career such as the opportunity to build experience, accomplishments and connection.

Woman using a laptop, building her freelance career in Canada’s gig economy.

Unpacking Independent Work

Dive into the world of self-employment with an introduction to independent work. This webinar is tailored for individuals interested in becoming independent freelancers, contractors or consultants. It showcases why independent work is a smart career at different points in the career journey and equips you with practical tips for getting started.

Unpacking Portfolio Careers

Discover the benefits of a portfolio career of multiple income streams. A portfolio career can be a fulfilling, practical and effective career option for individuals who want to diversify their income, build an agile career, and gain flexibility. Whether it’s out of choice or necessity, workers across the globe are building portfolio careers and working differently.